What are the Disadvantage of using alarm clocks?

Did you know about these harmful disadvantages….

You all know that alarm clocks have many benefits, meaning countless, but do you know that alarm clocks have many disadvantages too. There are many disadvantages of alarms, we will discuss them now.

1. Sometimes we are not able to sleep on time and work till late night, that is why we set the alarm in the morning to wake up early, but do you know that in order to wake up early we end up losing our valuable sleep. The alarm ruins your sleep by ringing at the right time. This also affects your mental health.


If you spoil your sleep at the wrong time, your eyes will feel very irritated. This can cause pain in your eyes and watery eyes.

Sometimes the sound of the alarm also makes you nervous, which disturbs your sleep and we remain irritable the whole day.

Sometimes the sound of the alarm and its vibration is so loud that it can even scare a sleeping person. You may also feel uncomfortable due to sudden fright.

If you also want to wake up early in the morning without an alarm clock, then follow these tips:

You must have heard from your elders that good sleep means good health. So to wake up in the morning without an alarm clock, you have to sleep early in the night and take a full 7-8 hours of sleep.

There is another very good way, you have to drink a lot of water at night so that you will be able to pee early in the morning and then you will be able to sleep comfortably and that too without any alarm clock.

Another very good way is to always use light curtains in your house so that the light of the morning sun can reach your bedroom, due to which you will sleep very well and you will also enjoy the morning sun.

hope you like the post ,, if you want to know about the best kind of alarm clocks suits to you then click below the given link.https://indianlens.com/best-alarm-clocks-for-students/

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